Yesterday our „Run Down Racism“ fundraising campaign for M4BL (The Movement For Black Lives) ended and here is, what we achieved together: We manged to collect 2456.16€, which is plain amazing.
Even more awesome is, that the people who supported this project added an additional 468.19€ via the donation button. These funds were optional, without any direct return. We are truly overwhelmed by your generosity and helpfulness.
Not only because this whole campaign by far exceeded our expectations, we are adding some additional funds to round the total amount up to 3000€. The donation has been sent to M4BL and we are stoked, that we were able to make this contribution to their cause.
However we do want to use this moment to remind us all once again, that wearing an anti-racist shirt and making a donation are important things to do, but the real fight against racism takes place in our everyday life. Racist thoughts and behavior has infused humanity for centuries and cannot be eliminated within a couple of months. We have to keep on learning and reflecting our own actions and the ones of our surroundings. We have to become more attentive and careful. At the same time brave and straightforward when we witness injustice and discrimination. It’s a process and it will take time. But we are happy to see so many people, who are willing to follow this path.
Also: We decided to continue donating 10% of all „Run Down Racism“ sales to organizations and activist groups, who are dedicated to fighting racism. We will let you know every time we make a donation and want to keep up the dialogue with you about this topic. The Willpower Circle is just the right place to do so.
Let’s run down racism.
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